We want to see the Church renewed and equipped to fulfill Christ's mission.
Leaders and churches need to be renewed and vitally connected to (abiding in) Jesus the Vine, and they need to be intentionally growing in godly character (sanctification). To experience the abundant life Jesus offers (John 10:10), and the fruitfulness He promises (John 15:4-5), we must move beyond right beliefs (orthodoxy) to right practices (orthopraxy). It is in the practices that we experience renewal.
Often, pastors rather than the saints do the bulk of the ministry in their churches. This is the inverse of what God intended, and the result is that only a fraction of potential ministry is achieved. The primary reason Jesus gave leadership gifts to the church was not so much that they would do the work of the ministry, but that they would equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11-13). In this way ministry and fruitfulness can be multiplied exponentially.

Ray & Fran Duerksen
Founder and CEO

Ron MacLean
Executive Director

Eddy & Cristina Dubon
Directors for Latin America & Spain

Chris Puhach
Director of Discipleship

Joshua & Febe Pantoja
Directors for South East Asia

Henry Wynn Kakooza
Director for Central-East Africa

Paul Neustaedter
Director, Marketplace Leaders Renewal

Tim Unrau
Director of Technology

Tony & Sara Warriner
Directors for North America
Read our Statements of Faith Here